One Company and Its Employees Invest in Causes Near and Dear to Their Hearts

This month, we say thank you to Hornady Manufacturing in Grand Island. Their 2022 campaign was an unrivaled success, with donations to our agencies from 254 Hornady employees and a generous corporate gift. There is no doubt that the Hornady team is relentless in raising awareness and empowering Nebraskans facing chronic disease, disabilities, and end-of-life comfort care.  

The CHAD causes most near and dear to the hearts of Hornady employees were Alzheimer’s disease, suicide prevention, arthritis, and pediatric brain tumors.

According to facts and figures provided by CHAD’s member agency, the Alzheimer’s Association,, Alzheimer's cases are projected to grow 14.3% by 2025 and caregivers are already providing over 52,000,000 total hours of unpaid care valued at $905,000,000. Every $100 designated to the Alzheimer's Association by any of our other generous donors provides education and support packets to 20 families that utilize the Alzheimer’s 24/7 helpline. (800) 272-3900

 CHAD’s newest member, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, is fighting the 13th leading cause of death in Nebraska. Every $10 provides 50 Lifesavers Guides and $25 provides Talk Saves Programming & Resources to 50 plus people. For more ways designated dollars help Nebraskans touched by suicide or to find help, go to

 Did you know that approximately 345,000 Nebraskans are living with arthritis and 2,000 of them are children? The support from donors like you will help the Arthritis Foundation with research, medical and financial referrals, camps, and programs for veterans. Every $50 provides a free JA Power Pack to a child with Juvenile Arthritis. This includes a special teddy bear that can be heated or chilled and a resource book for parents. For more information, go to

 Autism Action Partnership’s mission is to improve the quality of life of persons on the autism spectrum and their families through education, advocacy and support, thereby enabling them to be an integral part of the community. Generous support to Autism Action Partnership last year allowed 47 autistic individuals to receive Project Lifesaver bracelets, 50 young adults and 26 employers to be involved in Prosper Workforce Services, and 100 individuals from local businesses to be trained on how to support employees with Autism Spectrum Disorder. For more information go to

 Team Jack is an incredible Nebraska-based organization fighting childhood brain cancer. Dollars invested in Team Jack, through CHAD, go directly to research that will change a child’s life. The depth of resources provided by Team Jack is so extensive and is laid out nicely at One of the most tangible and direct impacts is UNMC and Children’s Hospital and Medical Center’s hiring of pediatric neurosurgeon, Dr. Afshin Salehi, which was accomplished in part by the $1.5 million investment from the Team Jack Foundation. Funds raised locally in Nebraska are supporting local medical research in Nebraska.

Hornady’s continuous gifts make so much good happen. From hands-on materials, emotional and financial support, to serious medical research. Each dollar goes to put a smile on the face of someone with a frightening diagnosis and give a breath of hope to caregivers. CHAD’s mission is to connect companies and causes for the health of all Nebraskans and Hornady’s generous employees came through in a big way to make that happen.